A love dose
If you’re diabetic then may be this movie isn’t for you.
Millionaire’s first love is a pure romantic movie with no touch of action or science fiction. The theme of the movie is “Nothing is more important than the true love of your heart” and the movie truly plays by the theme. The movie has a simple plot and doesn’t involve many twist and turn but it’s the direction and dialogues that will touch your heart.
It is about an 18-year-old heir Kang Jaekyung is an arrogant spoiled brat who is used to a lavish lifestyle and gets whatever he wants. Alas, he will be entitled to his grandfather's millions only if he will graduate at small high school in countryside. At first he is being rebellious, but then things change when he meets Choi Eunwhan.
The movie is filled with moments where hold your heart and cry your eyes out and smile at the same time. It’s like a sour candy which sour at first but is sweet at its core.
So, if you love the romantic-to –the-core movies. This will top your list.

A smash hit!!
The boy in stripped pyjamas is a story of an unspeakable event imbibed into the fabric of history depicted from the eyes of an 8-year-old boy, Bruno. Set during World War II, the movie shows glimpses of the atrocities of Holocaust at a concentration camp commanded by his own father who was a high ranking Nazi commandant.
The friendship between the two puzzled and innocent boys, Bruno and shmuel, who do not have a clue about the atrocities around them and yet are separated by a bared fence gives you a sense of warmth under the sheets of cold horrors. Bruno doesn’t know why his friend is behind the fence and neither does his friend.
The movie is a must watch and leaves you stunned. Though, I would recommend to bring tissues as you will definitely need it.