Chak De!
We can all name our favorite cricket player, NBA golden leader, football star, actor etc. Can anyone of us really say anything about the world of Hockey, a sport that was invented in our country? Like, who's your favorite player in the Indian Hockey team? One would be lucky if the person being asked gives more than a blank look. There will be some who mention Dhyan Chand, legend of the Hockey world in 1979. But, can you name a single female sports star? No, I think not.
Chak De! India is not only a patriotic, inspirational story of what the modern day world of sports looks like, it is a torch that throws light on the mass patriarchy, discrimination and downright cheating that goes on in our country. It is the story of one man, coach Kabir Khan, a dishonorably discharged hockey player who returns to the world he once lost to try and save his family name once again by coaching the women's hockey team.
It is an eye opening view into the world of women in sports and the obstacles and harassment they have to face. It shows how players from across the various states of our great country put aside all thought of race, creed and religion, leave their families and social expectations behind and pursue their passion for the sports and come together as a team to achieve victory and success galore. Truly motivating with excellent accentuating sound scoring and sound track and well delivered dialogue delivered with the legendary finesse and excellence of none other than the Badshah of Bollywood himself.
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and felt a cold chill? Or have you ever walked down the road in the middle of the night, maybe returning from a party, and felt that someone is following you?
Have you ever seen black smoke without a chimney in sight? Well, do you think a specter is gonna give you the time to call the ghost busters? No, it won't. Then what do you do? Well, how about blasting it with a shotgun full of salt?! Yes, this show about two brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester, and their search for their father that has them destroy and save the world at the same time, provides an intense and common man's view to dealing with all the spookies, creepy crawlies, nasties, badies and just plain evil in this world.
Well put together but Robert Singer and his ilk, this show translates all the legends, stories and urban myths that circulate the minds of those that believe in them, into a well thought and executed T.V. series that has gained a huge fan following over the years. Going strong in its 13th year now, the series has had a glowing cast of small screen stars and the lead characters Jensen Ackles and Jared Padelecki have a fan following to rival that of legends like Amitabh Bacchan and Shah Rukh Khan.
Exciting and funny series with a lot of real experience having gone into it's productions. Gives a comic-relief view of the real world of entrepreneurship that people don't really get to appreciate from the success stories that are always reported. It expresses the hard ships, melodrama, blood and sweat that goes into building an organisation from the ground up.
From the coming together of friends to the fights and stealing to the coming through of the black sheep as a diamond in the rough, this series has it all and presents in the most entertaining way that the common person can relate too that normal T.V. series and silver screen globe trotting reels just cannot achieve.
Well made with clear, clean and smooth dialogue delivery and a script that should get the writers a hefty heaping of praise, this small series is a must watch for the younger generation that wants to be its own boss.
Hum sab beer hai!
Must Must Must Watch
The very first time all our favorite heroes and villains alike came onto the scene in one big blowout, sending the adult viewers rushing back into their childhoods and mesmerizing the newer audience with the combination of spine tingling and goosebumps inducing comic relief drama that only Stan Lee and Jack Kirby have ever been able to achieve.
The special cameo appearance of Stan Lee that is the trademark of marvel movies and the after credit scenes fit in beautifully with the context that they are presented in and enthrall the audience into gripping their seats right up to the drawing of the curtains.
With a combination of a star cast with modern day, silver screen legends like Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evens, Chris Hemsworth and Scarlet Johansson, every movie go-er has something that they can take from this film.
The story introduces us to the coming together of the great Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes who have to meld their varied personalities and put aside their differences to save Earth from the enemies we least expected, who come from the sky. With a hat-tip to the various legends, myths and stories that it draws inspiration from, it is fantastic piece of modern movie magic.