Good comedy.
An amazing comedy detective film.
Ace Ventura is a pet detective, who is given a case to solve. The case is to find a missing mascot as well as a player who is missing.
The detective through his eccentric methodology solves the case.
Dre Parker, 12 year old american who recently moved to China, is bullied by Cheng. During an attack Dre finds out that the maintenance man Han is a Kung-Fu master and seeks help.
Mr Han helps Dre, gives him training and helps him win the competition.
A series of emotional and hilarious incidents is depicted throughout the movie.
An average one time watch movie
The movie begins where Elise (Angelina Jolie) is chased by the french police. On a coffee table she finds a note and acts according to it. She was asked by Alexander Pearce, a person who owes the government taxes and a robber, who underwent a plastic surgery recently.
Elise gets on a train and finds a mathematics teacher and gets close to him. The police thinks that he is Pearce and arrests him but later on they leave him.
In the end, Elise comes to know that the teacher and Pearce is the same person. The pending charges against him are now closed.
An amazing movie
Movie depicts the life in Texas during the year 1858, the age when slavery and slave trading were quite prominent. Django was one such slave who got freed by Dr.Schultz, a German bounty hunter . Dr.Schultz is quite impressed by Django's bounty hunting skills and offers him to team up. Django is offerd by the doc to find his lost wife Broomhilda.
The entire movie shows the pre modern US and how an astute black slave finds a way to rescue his wife.
An amazing series of the modern Sherlock and his companion Dr Watson.
All episodes remains mysterious from the start till end. The concept and idea of the classic novel are modified and slight amendments are made.
The acting,direction and cinematography and background score remains at its best in all episodes.
Personal Comment: Eagerly waiting for next season.
A timepass comedy
The movie depicts life in western countries during the 19th century, specifically the year 1882. The movie starts with a commentary about the brave men of those ages and how important ones courage was during those times. Then enters our 'coward' protagonist Albert Stark (Seth MacFarlane).
Albert is a cowardly sheep farmer who at the beginning of the movie quit from a gun fight (fight prominent those days). The next day his girlfriend decides to break up with him. Albert is heartbroken. He is cheered up by his friend.
Meanwhile, two people come into the town disguised as siblings. In real the 'sister' Anna(Charlize Theron) was a bandit's wife and her "brother" was a member of the gang. During a brawl in a bar, Anna meets our Hero saves Anna's life. He tells her the story of his life. She decides to help him.
But then the bandit gets to know about the 'relation' of his wife with Albert and decides to kill her. Will the coward Albert save her. Will Albert realize his hidden courage.
Elements of sarcasm and "hilariousity" are an integral part of the movie.
Overall Verdict : A good comedy movie recommended for one time watch.
Hilarious and Enjoyable
22 Jump Street (2014) is directed by Phil Lord and Christopher MIller. It is often seen as a sequel to the movie 21 Jump street.
After the successful accomplishment of their mission in 21 Jump Street, Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) are put back on their normal duties. However after failing a mission on the streets, the duo are put back to work under Capt.Dickson and are given an assignment to find a drug dealer at a college.
As they move into the college, they are mesmerized by the college life. Jenko befriends Zook and Rooster. Schmidt isnt accepted by Jenko's pals. Schmidt befriends an art student, Maya, who later turns out to be Captain Dickson's daughter.
The duo completes the adventurous mission successfully killing the villain.