Annabelle was a well acted horror movie for once! It wasn't over the top and the story was great. I loved the scares and honestly I thought it was scarier than the Conjuring which I LOVED. GREAT JOB!!
Great movie.
Great Movie, Good thriller and always maintains the intensity. There is no part in the movie which gets you bored. Its full time Entertainment. The movie is short but up to the point. This is a movie where Naseerudin Shah is like a One Man Army who takes over the whole of Bombay police. I really enjoyed it. We need more movies like this. Very Creative. Technically very correct and the movie has a lot of logic. The Direction is superb. Unlike other movies, there are no songs in the movie. The movie can be viewed by family and even teens and I think its for all type of age groups. The whole movie is like the game of chess. Its a puzzle till the end which bursts out at last releasing a shock wave across the movie theatre.
A beautiful movie with the evergreen beauty Sridevi giving the best message of " YES I CAN..." . Its a perfect movie showing that if a person desires to do something... he could not be stopped at any stage of life... Movie showing that the desire has no limits of age. An adorable movie breaking the myth of bollywood that heroes lead the movies... !!
It is an exceptional movie revealing the secret of the life that is, being happy is being healthy or as said " Laughter is the best medicine". This movie is a great entertainment or we can say the best paisa vasool movie having munna bhai and vasooli bhai as the lead. This movie contains humour, drama, emotion and a message of happiness. Its a must watch movie...!
A movie with great story showing the hidden mystery of things happened in India with catchy names of characters ,exceptionally WOW performance by the simple characters with mind boggling songs and music as well.... Great dialogue delivery and a strong nomination for Oscars....!
Ever since Puss in Boots (Antonio Banderas) showed his adorable face and fighting spirit in Shrek 2, it was only going to be a matter of time before he got his own movie. Puss in Boots is simple, innocent, and takes the audience on a wild, adventurous journey from Spanish towns to the Giant
Sonaly Sahay reviewed Frozen
While we all love Disney and the happiness it brings to everyone, sometimes it over-shows ideals to young girls that might not come true in reality. "Frozen" addresses the meaning of love right from the start, with an adult Anna, who being separated from reality for her entire life has no idea what love truly means. .As an avid Disney fan, and as someone with two sisters, this is a movie that people of all ages will love to see.
Great concept
One of the most charming movies ever made. no company in the world knows how to approach making a character, and remy is one of their best. this movie has everything. it has a great story, wonderful charm, clever humor throughout, even a couple of action sequences. also, if you're watching it on blu-ray in 1080p, this will one of the most breathtaking visual feasts you will ever come across.
In one word "Creativity at its best" be it the character the story line or the animation. when the most unwanted beast of the kitchen can turns out to be its master and lives his dream of being a cook. That's when you know "Anybody can cook". A very Inspiring tale of remy the rat and his perfect compliment Lingini the is silly and timid decreased son of Gusteau, who is founder of the famous Gusteau's restaurant in Paris, the movie shows philosophical outlooks through a vision of a Rat ,with some amazing dialogue. A sheer entertainment to all group of audience.
I enjoyed it, immensely in fact, something about Quentin Tarantino's movies that convey so much character and texture, and thus one delivers in spades on both of those accounts, yes there is gratuitous use of the dreaded n-word, but you can't possibly hate the movie because it didn't sweep our history under the rug. One of the most entertaining movies of all time in my opinion.
Sonaly Sahay reviewed Her
good film
The biggest reason why I love this movie so much is not just because of the great plot but the fact that Joaquin Phoenix gave a masterful performance that was well worthy to win any best actor award. A truly must see film and by far the best film of 2013, Even beats a majority of the crap I've seen so far in 2014.