I love Eurovision so this film was made for a person like me and I honestly enjoyed the heck out of it . Will Ferrell and Rachel McAdams make for a strange but surprisingly charming duo and I thought they had decent chemistry, The film is ridiculous and weird but its entertaining and the music is actually really good, Dan Stevens is perfectly cast in the film and was a total scene stealer for me, The film has its issues the main one being some really bad jokes and dialogue but overall if your a Eurovision fan like me you should check it out I'm sure you'll have a good time with it like I did.
Misslady reviewed Mulan
This live action retelling of Mulan isn't as great as the animated original but it brings enough to the table to be a worthy remake. The battle sequences are incredible the cinematography works really well and its just a visual delight, The acting is for the most part really strong Liu Yifei is captivating as Mulan and she totally stole my heart. The score is brilliant and has many hints of the original in it witch was nice to hear, My main issue with the film is that a lot of things feel rushed including character development witch held the film back for me quite a bit and the film skips over emotional scenes way to quickly and doesn't give you time to feel anything. Overall Mulan is a decent and enjoyable film but I would stick to the animated film.