Parchayee is collection of some famous Ghost stories of Ruskin Bond, premiering in winter just to make viewer to a feel of cold spot every where. It will embelish with different ghost stories. People with interest in horror must have a watch.
Bou Kano Psycho by Debaloy Bhattacharya is a web series with dark humour. It makes up with five skeleton was found inside a tank of five psycho housewives. And later on the husband of those psychos are under threat them, dark humour arise there that what makes the psycho wives to make their husband terrorise.
Best Crime
Criminal Justice created a heavy impact on people inside crime. It revolves around one creul murder. A night after a sleep tend out to be horrific for Aditya, because he found his hand full of blood of someone. Investigation goes against him. The series put the audience in turmoil that whether Aditya really guilty or not? This web series is able to create audience hooked up in their seat to watch the ultimate end.
Beas Das reviewed Poison
Perfect movie
Poison out cast with one most important character Ranveer whose killing spree forced him to come Goa, and here start the real story where he friends with Vikram a police officer and eventually plotted a comfortable zone for Vikram's two sister. And in mean he bought a Bar through he got surround by famous Don Antonio Verghese. The series not even at any point make the reader to get bored. It made viewer to watch it in daily tune and experience the unovious thrill.
Beas Das reviewed Red Ruby
Red Ruby web series by Brat, revolves around a group of students belongs to Millwood who were died years due collapse of a cave they were exploring. And after so many year they returned to the same place with thirst for blood. The plot somewhere made the movie at a point absurd with its projection with the students with no change in structure or age but has thirst for blood.
Beas Das reviewed Hostages
hostages is creepy thriller series with so many layers and plots. For viewer it is difficult to judge who is wrong and right doer. The movie by veteran director Sudhir Mishra is showing how a doctor was being puppeted on the hand of a hoping retiring SP's gunmen by capturing his family. Though this series come with one more layer that the doctor's family is not as innocent as it seems. Thus making it quite creepy movie.