Amazing show well performed. The best web series in the world ...covered all topics related to 90s younger generation. who faces lots of struggle in there life.
An amazing standup comedy show to watch and chill during weekends
A letter of reunion brings back the old friends together after ages and relive the same old times together with full madness a show though a bit dramatic but also entertaining at the same time
a refreshingly clean comedy series with hits on the middle class daily journey
Freedom when wife is not around but still under her control humorous web serie to watch
Adapted from the book by Vikram Chandra, it is actually a sprawling autobiography of the fascinating city called Bombay, Mumbai for us Millennial. Nawazuddi Siddiqui as Gaitonde was performed beautifully and the character sketch was brilliant beyond words can comprehend
This web-series is really something you should look forward to. It's rom-com
A great show to watch for the weekend a lot to learn understanding modern parenthood
# might is right
This web series is a combination of gangs of wasseypur and the story itself the basic idea has been copied but overall it's good to go as the performance of each character was outstanding
Four Girls go out on a road trip to Thailand and rediscover themselves their bond of friendship becomes stronger day by day this series shows how to live your life being single and enjoy your life to the fullest potential