This movie really rocked! Three outstandingly good-looking women in body-tight clothing + posing in positions that cause men to drool and howl. And when you add Matrix-like acrobatics-slowmotion-kungfu-
Sreedevi was amazing in the movie. At this age, she looks extremely beautiful - I can't think of any other woman as beautiful at her age. Also, she has done her part extremely well. Carefully subdued acting and an excellent screen presence/beauty.
The theme is a great one. It is universal, at least in an Indian context. The subject is so relevant and so common that it is a surprise that there are not very many movies that comes to mind on the subject. The subject being the insecurities of the wife/mother of the house.Rest of the people in the house needs to see and appreciate the value of the woman of the house.
Content of the movie comes in patches - here and there we have good content but there are holes too. Connect was there for major portion of the movie but there was quite a lot of time where I was just sitting in the theatre.
Music is good and after the initial drag, the movie does catch up well. The theme is very simple but it is very everyday and it can touch many hearts, hopefully making the little little worlds of the viewers better.
Everyone seems to be gushing on about Titanic, how it's the best movie ever made and so on, but I think, though it was good, it was definitely NOT the best movie of all time. There were some good points and some bad points, but what I thought was boring was the usual plot-line, guy and gal fall in love, one's rich, the other's poor and the family doesn't approve. The best thing I liked about this movie was the actual sinking (The first question I asked when I watched it was, "When is the ship going to sink?") Leo DiCaprio didn't act to the highest of his ability, I thought he was better in Romeo and Juliet, and Kate Winslet was just marginally better. Cameron definitely is a great director and the photography and special effects were superb (Though I think spending 600 million to build your own mini version of the ship was a BIT expensive) I loved the music for the movie and I thought the soundtrack was one of the best things worth buying.
TOP GUN **** Tom Cruise plays Maverick Mitchell, an intelligent macho fighter pilot who is sent with partner Anthony Edwards to attend the elite US Flying school in California to compete for the Top Gun trophy. Most of the film is centered on Cruise while training and the climax unfolds as dramatic content is introduced into the story. What makes this film so appealing to watch is that for what Tony Scott, Jerry Bruckheilmer and Don Simpson wanted to produce from the basic storyline, the film succeeds. 'Top Gun' is an entertaining coming-of-age picture that is both exciting (making the film fun to watch) and dramatic in a realistic sense (making it more balanced). The contrasting characters in the Naval Flying school adds to the film's clever edge as Cruise throttles high speed aircrafts on air and woos one of his instructors (Kelly McGillis of 'Witness') on ground.
Deakins (Travolta) and Hale (Slater), two military pilots fly a stealth bomber and one of them (got to see it to find out which one) steals the nuke. The other, who was ejected from the stealth teams up with park ranger Carmichale (Manthis) and try to get back the nuke. Also includes Howie Long as one of the villains. Fast moving, explosive and incredible screenplay give this film its charm.
First off, I'm not going to say that I think "Knowing" is one of the greatest films ever made, nor do I think it's a perfect film by any means as it does have a few problems, but overall, I've always really enjoyed this one. I love the cinematography, the atmosphere, the tone, the premise, the score and especially the tense moments scattered throughout this film. Sometimes, it pays not to listen to what others say and instead watch a film and come to your own conclusions. For me, I always got a fair amount out of this film compared to a lot of others. It's not a masterpiece by any means, but it's one that I always enjoy
I enjoyed the 1st and 2nd movies well enough. And I had high hopes for this 3rd installment, having read a bit of the source comics. I realize things are going to be changed in adaptation, but the Hannibal King character was completely ruined. In the books, he was a full vampire trying to redeem his soul, and for that reason Blade was willing to work with him. Goyer really should have kept that intact - would have made for some character dynamics and plot elements that could have been MUCH more interesting than King just having been a former familiar and over-the-top comic relief wannabe.
The worst problem with the movie was the directing, which was shoddy throughout. Long-winded dialogue when there should have been more action, action when we should have gotten more story. There are some good actors in there, but their performances had all the nuance of high-school theatre. Wesley Snipes is perfect in the role, and he's always great to watch doing combat, but in the few scenes where he was giving us something to watch, all we got was jerky camera movements and way-too-close close-ups.
In short, if you were a fan of the comics this movie claims to be based on, you may find yourself disappointed by this movie. If you enjoyed the first 2 and are hoping for a good follow-up, again, you may be less than impressed. I'm sure ready for the franchise to be retired.
This movie is the best of its kind it is full of action adventure and of course BLADE one of the most stylish characters ever created and magnificently portrayed by Wesley Snipes his walk his talk everything is made to perfection.
Even the music in this film goes perfectly with the scenes and starts at the right time, When you hear the bass kicking in you know Blade is about to kick some ass.
The plot is also very clever it all circulates around the vampire world and blade it goes perfectly all together to make one of the best adrenalin action-packed movies of all time!!! By the way if you like action-packed adventure movies you definitely need to watch BLADE 2!!!
Pratik Singh reviewed Blade
"Blade" is the best of the series and loaded with action and martial arts. Blade (Wesley Snipes)came from an unusual birth: his mother was attacked by a vampire and dies giving birth to him, resulting in Blade being half vampire/half human. With his mentor/weapons master Whistler (Kris Kristofferson), Blade is on a mission to hunt and destroy vampires that run the city. Seems that these are not your typical vampires: They're like the Mafia. Lead by the Elder vampire Dragonetti (Udo Kier, who seems to make a career out of playing bloodsuckers), the vampire organization has their fangs into many different pies, and also own the cops. Of course, Dragonetti's pain in the neck is Deacon Frost (Stephen Dorff, playing it cool), who believes that humans are their meal ticket and shouldn't be coddled. Frost is also digging into the legend of La Magra, the blood god that will pretty much wipe out humanity, and Blade's blood is the trigger to releasing La Magra. Blade, with the help of Karen (N'Bushe Wright), a scientist that helps Blade by creating a neat weapon to fight the bloodsuckers off, goes into battle, but not before he discovers a secret connection between him and Frost.
Action packed and loaded, and interesting twists to vampire mythology (When disposing a vampire to the sun, Frost and Co. watch by wearing heavy sunblock and motorcycle outfits. Clever!). Snipes does the action thing pretty well.
Just saw a sneak preview. This film is without a doubt the best film of the trilogy, as well as the best film of the year. Many fans will complain about the climax, and its deviation from the comics, but I enjoyed every minute of this movie and I could care less about any deviation from the comics. Raimi has fun with this film and treats it as his masterpiece of the three. That being said, I'm not sure they're going to do a fourth one. The great thing is, there are loose ends that are subtly left untied, unlike X3. There could very well be a fourth one, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if Lizard was one of the villains, since Dr. Connors has been in the last two films. There were two things that impressed me most about this film. One was that they could tie all the plot lines together cohesively, as well as have enough room for sufficient character development. The second was the acting. James Franco, as well as Topher Grace embrace their villainy. Thomas Hayden Church is great as the tragic Sandman. Kirsten Dunst is beautiful from the opening scene. Tobey Maguire proves he can act.