A must watch for the all those who have'nt read a Jane's novel yet.........And for all the Jane lovers here...you won't be disappointed....nice acting by everyone,especially Keira.
Too much of anything is good for nothing....with a star-studded cast, stallone must've done a lot better.too much of importance for stallone while others are almost doing cameo roles(especially Stone cold)...
3 cops with different styles(personally I like Guy pearce's role)... a damsel in distress.....corrupt l.a. police force.well, u can't expect a more promising plot for an awesome potboiler.Miss it at ur own risk..
A stylish cop flick......Clint plays a dirty cop who doesn't like criminals...awesome BGM....DO U FEEL LUCKY ?
With Bruce Lee as the lead what do u expect??? a bone crunching action movie.....watch out for the scene in which bruce lee tames a snake and also the scene in which he tastes his blood......
adventure, thrill, romance, philosophy........It has got it all....Watch with subs as dialogues are awesome.This movie may change the way u look at this world!!