The dark world gets darker
Thor battles to save Earth and all the Nine Realms from a shadowy enemy .He is trying to reunite the nine realms. In oreder to do so he has to fight against Malekith and his dark forces who are trying to force universe into a dark age as they tried previously.He attacks earth and Thor is forced to come back to earth and reunite with his love interest Jane Foster . And in order to do so he has to sacrifice everything and he comes out as a winner. A must watch for every Marvel character lover. Great action and animation combined with good acting makes this movie work.
Good take on a mythological character
Paramount Pictures and Marvel Entertainment have brought a mythological character into real life scenario magically,At the center of the story is the mighty Thor (Chris Hemsworth), a powerful and arrogant warrior whose actions start an war which ended centuries ago. So, father of Thor send him to Earth by his father Odin (Anthony Hopkins)as a punishment. Here he meets a scientist named Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), who changes the attitude of Thor and they both fall in love. On Earth Thor learns what it means to be a true hero and a legend when the most dangerous villain of his world Loki sends the darkest forces of Asgard to invade Earth.
Friends for life
The movie is about 3 friends Ishaan, Omi and Govind who are in their prime ages and are trying to establish themselves. The movie is about their lives and how they try to make their path through all the hurdles and problems of life. The movie is based on the novel three mistakes of my life by chetan bhagat. The plot and the execution is just excellent. With good music by Amit Trivedi. The movie is a must watch for everyone
Not so much
The movie is one of the worst in the series .Although overall the movie is good but it doesn't match the magic created by the first four movies.The movie revolves around a prediction by Prof trlawney about Harry and Voldemort. Dumbledore created an army of himself called the order oh phoenix to fight against the dark forces of voldemort. The whole movie well most of it revolvs around the school problems of harry. But the ultimate twist of the movie is the death of Sirius black in the climax fight against Death Eaters and the end sequence fight of Voldemort and Dumbledore. No more spoilers just watch it and enjoy.
Dark and negativity increases
The movie based on J.K.Rowling novel of the same name is turning from a child based novel to a much more adult oriented movie. The movie starts in continuation of the fifth movie of the series. Sirius black has died in the battle of the ministry of magic . Voldemort has started raising his army again. The dark times are back again. As harry enters into the sixth year of his schooling a new professor has been inducted into the school named Professor Horace slughorn. And headmaster Dumbledore is exploring the past of Voldemort to know the reason that why he keeps rising again and again. He through Horace discovers that Voldemort has hidden his soul by tearing it into pieces in 7 different objects known as horcruxes out of which harry and he has destroyed 2 but 5 still remain. When dumbledore finds the place where the 3rd horcrux is he takes harry with him to destroy but is unable to find the real one and finds a fake one. As they reach back school death eaters(followers of Voldemort) have rampaged into school with the help of Malfoy. And in the end they manage to kill Dumbledore. And Snape is the one who kills him. They fled away and the movie ends with a question mark i.e. whose side was snape on. I guess we will have to wait for the next movie to find it out.
Brilliant acting, great background score and mystery and thrills ride this movie to a great extent.
A good watch
Magic begins again
The movie has come back to life with more magic more darkness more villains and more of everything. The movie is about a triwizard tournament held between 3 schools of witchcraft. In this 3 champions are choosen 1 from each school. The champions have to go through a series of competitions . The one perfoming best will be the winner. But the cup selects 4 champions instead of 3 and he has to go through the competitions . The climax scene of the graveyard is the best scene in the entire movie in which Lord Voldemont finally attains a bodily form .And now the fight between good and evil will start in the next parts. watch it to be mesmerized
Magic decreases a bit
The movie in the continuation of Harry potter series has somehow dissapointed a bit. The movie has gone to a bit serious side and has acquired a darkism. The movie is about Sirius Black,a prisoner in Azkaban who is rumored was a part of Voldemort's army has escaped from azkaban. Azkaban is a jail for wizards guarded by creatures called dementors who suck out the soul in the most painful way possible. The movie moves at a slow pace and in the end harry comes to realize that Sirius on the other hand was the friend of his father and mother who were killed by voldemort.Therefore,he helps sirius to escape from dementors.
One-time watch but not much as compared to previous installments of the Harry Potter Series.
Magic continues
The second part of the harry potter saga continues to astonish with flying cars, living trees, elfs and the list goes on and on. Harry potter is tried to be stopped by house elf dobby as he is in risk of losing his life. But harry manages to pull the task with the help of his friend ron and reaches Hogwarts.As they are going through the year harry starts hearing strange noises and people start getting hurt. Soon he comes to realize that it is because of a creature hidden in the school somewhere.With time and interaction with professor and friends he comes to know the creature was hidden in the chamber of secrets by one of the founding members of school as he was against non magical people learning magic. So,in the end harry has to fight against the snake of Basilisk in order to save his school and his friends.
You should see this epic series without skipping. Great fun
Magic world
Suppose you wanted to be in a magical world what will be your imagination. Well the movie based on J.K.Rowling's movie contains exactly the same as your imagination owls, a school for witchcraft and wizadry, a magical world, flying brooms and what not. The movie is about a young boy named Harry Potter(Daniel Radcliffe) whose parents were killed by the darkest wizard of all times named Voldemort when he was born. Now he is 11 years old and is accepted into the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizadry.Here he makes new friends Ronald weasely(rupert grint) and hermoine (Emma watson).Here he is taught and learns the art of magic. At the end of the year he has to fight Lord Voldemort who has taken shelter in the body of a professor trying to steal Sorcerer's stone from the school so that he can attain a bodily form again. But Harry destroys his plans .
Must Watch Great
biggest fool maker
Someone once said tv is an idiot box and This TV serial proves it. The story is streched to alevel where one loses his temper or may lose sanity.Over the top acting. And is someone dies than it becomes essential to make them come to life again through plastic surgeries , reincarnation and what not. More than 1800+episodes.One of the longest running shows in the history of Indian TV and full of shit. I mean seriously... grow up