A timeless classic that should be part of every child's introduction into the world. Necessary to the education and growth of any individual. A well written trilogy filled with sarcasm, adventure, and excitement, turned into perfectly adapted movies. Some characters importance might have been exaggerated but that can be easily looked over because of how well it adds to the story-line of the movies. These movies are easily some of the most quotable movies ever made, making several memes that lasted for years, and teaching the next generation about the importance of reading Tolken's work. If you haven't read the books I definitely recommend you do, they definitely add to the overall experience, and quite possibly get you even more hooked.
This film is the second Lord of the rings film after The Fellowship of the ring and this film really steps up the stakes on all levels. The film picks off where the last one finished with the heroes separated and the Fellowship broken. Frodo and Sam head to Mordor to destroy the ring, Merry and pippin in the possession of the Urk-Hai and Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas trying to rescue them. I do prefer this film to the original as all the characters are expanded and the emotional attachment to these characters is huge in this film. The addition of the character Gollum is a scene stealer as Gollum is the best combination of acting and CGI ever which could have possibly been argued for an Oscar nomination. The new story with the men of Rohan and Gondor starts to show how epic this story truly is how these men are desperate against this evil. The battle for Helms deep is one of the most intense and memorable battles in any film period and is my personal favourite which just adds to the spectacle of this encounter which will eventually lead to the final film. This is another epic LOTR film and leads perfectly into the final film of the trilogy.
I have not kept track of how many Three Musketeer movies they are. And this won't go down in history as the best adaptation ever (well for the majority of the people that is). But its update is kinda fun to watch. Not really good, but kinda fun. Even if you feel that some actors are wasted here (Waltz had to wait until Carnage to have a role that he could actually work with again, after "Ingl. Basterds") or are not on the screen often enough (pick a name).
But you can't fail the movie for trying to be a hip update. It does have some nice ideas, some "funny" bits (dialogue isn't that bad actually) and nice action sequences. A light entertainment movie overall then, that you might enjoy if you want to.
So after seeing the The Dark Knight my expectations were pretty high for this movie and most movies would fail miserably but luckily The Dark Knight Rises is not one of most movies. It absolutely lived up to my expectations. What was good about the movie? Pretty much everything. The acting was top notch in this movie everyone does a good job in it. The action was great but the movie is great without action. Tom Hardy as Bane is one of the most terrifying villains I have ever seen. I likes the characters, the story everything. The one gripe that people might have is that it is very dark. But even that is not a real issue. In the end I loved this movie I recommend it to everyone an even though its not as good as The Dark Knight its still an amazing movie.
What can I say, what has not been said in praise of this movie? I must state, that I am not that much a fan of movie adaptations of comic books, but "Batman Begins" really took me in at once. A wonderful screenplay, a versatile director and a great cast - Christian Bale is born to play Bruce Wayne - and the excellent idea of anti-type casting by making Liam Neeson play the villain (after a crucial twist) and Gary Oldman as the good honest and decent cop and Batman allie as well as Tom Wilkinson playing a mobster really pays off. But the best actor in the movie for me is Irishman Cillian Murphy as Scarecrow. I haven't seen 28 DAYS, so I did not know him, but he really swept me away, finally not an OTT loony villain but one who is not raving mad from the beginning, but eventually grows mad when Batman uses his own venom on him. As he gets away in the end, we hopefully see him as well as Mr. Bale, Mr. Caine, Mr. Oldman, Mr. Freeman etc. in the next BATMAN movie. If the people at Warner Bros are no complete fools, they should hire Christopher Nolan at once for the sequel...
Pratik Singh reviewed Ishq
Ishq is a good film. Aamir Khan's acting is super. Ajay Devgan is wonderful and this is his best performance. Juhi Chawla is really good. Kajol is fab!
There's no storyline really in the 1st half. It's just introducing all the characters. It shows Kajal (Kajol) and Ajay (Ajay Devgan) falling for each other and going head over heels. Madhoo (Juhi Chawla) and Raja (Aamir Khan) fighting alot. The 1st half has comedy and it's very good.
The main story starts in the 2nd half. The plot is very interesting. It shows how Kajal and Ajay and Madhoo and Raja have very good relationships with each other and nothing can change that.
Pratik Singh reviewed Guide
I loved the performances of Dev Anand and Waheeda Rehman very much. They are impeccable. "Guide" is very good adaptation of R.K. Narayan's novel. Vijay Anand's direction is excellent as well. S.D. Burman's great music. All songs are very good. "Gata rahe mera dil" is my favourite. This movie have many memorable scenes. Guide is about the many critical situations of life. Ensemble has played a key role in the journey of lead characters. The narrative structure is done well. The dialogue is for the most part excellent - it is rich and meaningful. The second half is much stronger than the first as my opinion.
I saw Deewaar again today & it seemed as fresh in all ways, especially the direction, the dialogue and of course, the acting of its main protagonist, Amitabh Bachchan.
Mr. Bachchan has left his mark over the years in a number of movies, and this was an early one that his loyalists remember. Seeing it today and realising that he was still in the early stages of his career makes one wonder how he could have got even better since this movie.
Not many movies can claim this effect on its audience after such a long period of time, including several with Mr. Bachchan in the lead.
Pratik Singh reviewed Border
The characters in the film really do shine, and bring out the best performances. The controversial topic of India-Pakistan is really highlighted in this film. The camera work is immaculate and the shooting in the backround of Rajasthan really is breathtaking. The music score by Anu Malik, is melodious and heart rendering. "Sandese Aate Hein" in time has become a patriotic anthem amongst many Indians. This alone implies the impact this film had on the Indian public, the brave sardars played by Sunny Deol and Puneet Issar highlights their love and the determination for India to defend itself against hostile enemies whoever they may be.