A unique concept lacking execution
The show starts off bad, gets better and then eventually tumbles down to worse. Vir das is a great performer and a host for the show but definitely lacks his usual flare as a stand-up comic. For a show that is about accessing the tolerance of various cultures when it comes to stereotypes and comedy, the script is brim filled with annoying clichés.

The show is an attempt to find what is funny to the Indians. Vir das and his entourage travel from town to town exploring its topography and finding answers to some uncomfortable cultural norms. They meet the locals, travel and learn. At the end of each episode, Vir puts up a stand-up show.

What stood out to me most of was the direction and editing. The locations and backdrops are breath taking. However, editing doesn’t make up for pathetic comedy and stand-up performances that puts the viewer right to sleep. It becomes clear when watching the show, scripts have been hastened and Vir das didn’t have much time to put up a performance.

The show has a novel concept but lacks execution. Althought the show is unique experience yet it can not be strongly recommended.
Better than a soap opera
The first thing bound to catch the eye is the stunning production design, couple of shots in the beginning itself scream fancy yet tasteful. Besides being an eye candy, 'Kehne Ko Humsafar hain' isn't harsh on other senses either. It's a well-done drama with a coming of age plotline and complex characters.

Rohit (Ronit Roy), a husband, and father of two stopped being in love with his wife a long time ago. He finds himself and his solace in Ananya's (Mona Singh) company who is an established interior designer and a pious soul. Rohit's wife Poonam (Gurdip Kohli) a resolute traditionalist, is although aware of her husband's affair but reluctant to address it. She believes that marriage is a sacred institute and must not be fiddled with. While her daughters feel differently on the topic, it's extremely hard to judge who is in the right and who is in the wrong. This quandry turns out to be extremely thought provocking and its execution can be credited to solid portrayals of multifaceted characters with substance. Writing is surprisingly fresh, modern and nuanced.

Overall the show is a great pick with a theme addressing heavy, meaningful questions and some pleasant performances by experienced actors who do justice to the ethos of the show.

A road-trip you don’t want to miss!
It all begins when Chandan(Sumeet Vyas) returns to India and runs into his brother Chitwan (Amol Parashar) at a club. Chandan has one too many to drink and passes out. Chitwan manages to load Chandan in his car and drive back home only to find out that the bank is looking for him for a couple of missed car's installments. He takes his car and Chandan on an impromptu road trip to their sister Chanchal's (Maanvi Gagroo) place, who is amidst a crisis of her own. The three flee the scene, contemplating possible solutions for their plights.

Sumeet Vyas, Maanvi Gagroo, and Amol Prashar, being the brilliant actors they are, feel natural in their portrayal of multi-faceted and multidimensional characters. They are amicable, hilarious and relatable. It’s extremely easy to resonate with their struggles and find a connection with their eccentric characters.

Boasting remarkable performances, hilarious, witty catchphrases and a strong script, ‘TVF’s Tripling’ is nothing short of a stroke of a genius. The show checks all the boxes of an entertaining drama/comedy series. Go for it, without a second thought.

On par with the big leagues
There is a palpable void when it comes to quality talk shows in the Indian media. Unlike innumerable late night talks shows of the Hollywood, Indian T.V. content didn't offer any counterparts to the foreign competitors, until Abish came into picture and presented a remarkable Talk show, that too in the web space. Show seems to be on par with big leagues, atleast when it comes to style and visual appeal.

Abish Mathew is a capable host with a well enough comic timing. He possesses an amicable disposition and being the butt of most jokes in his own show while does get a teeny bit annoying, but helps him strengthen his character of a humble, pliant acquaintance.

Over the seasons, show has grown bigger, with improved production design and a remarkable guest list including some Bollywood a-listers like Irfan Khan and Vidya Balan. A variety of games and some insightful questions throughout the duration of a 40 minute long show helps keep things entertaining but
laughs are sparse and script struggles more than it should.

Its a mixed bag, and requires a certain taste for the genre to enjoy the show.
Symphony is the star.
The New York symphony is a lot more than just music. Musicians with grudges, Maestros with quandaries and patrons with agendas are a few things that make New York symphony a world famous spectacle.

‘Mozart in the jungle’ takes us on a journey of music, drama and humour surrounding the Orchestra ‘New York symphony’ who have just appointed Rodrigo (Gael García Bernal), an eccentric, humble and pious maestro to conduct the orchestra. The other protagonist, Hailey Rutledge (Lola Kirke), has been appointed as a substitute oboist for the orchestra, and their chemistry becomes an interesting will they, won't they mystery from the start.

There are actually quite a few stories lines that run parallel, and each one features well developed, nuanced characters yet I found myself hitting the close button more than 'next' after each episode ended. What stands out most is the balance that show creates between the music and drama. While symphonies are the show's star, the performances and plot line isn't too weak altogether.

While I still may have trouble fully comprehending the title, it’s no deterrent to savoring the experience of some brilliant symphonies that the show offer. With some magnificent backdrops, production design and memorable quotes, the show may not be the most intriguing drama out there but still is a fresh concept that at the very least will leave you quite educated about the an orchestra’s day to day.

Gold standard for RomComs
The series showcase not just one of the most adorkable characters ever written (Mikesh played by Sumeet Vyas), but also presents a refreshing tale of new age romance. 'Permanent Roommates' is the story of Mikesh and Tanya (Nidhi Singh) who successfully managed to carry a 3 year long distance relationship, but as Mikesh pops the question, Tanya can't bring herself to the same page.

The opening scene alone dives right into the character building and so much about Mikesh and Tanya's relationship dynamic becomes apparent from a phone call. This feat is wonder of ingenious writing, brilliant direction and stunning performances. First season deals with the Tankesh's journey of self discovery and compatibility. Second season is an extension to the first and has a lot more twists and revelations than the last season.

While I would have settled for a less snarky female protagonist, I am glad the writers still managed to make her just as lovable as Mikesh.

TVF has a track record of delivering high-quality content, and permanent roomates is one of the shows that helps TVf build that repute. This show manages to uphold its charm year after year and is a gold standard for all future romantic comedies.

Paints an honest picture
A mini web series, with episodes no longer than 10 minutes on average, You me and galatfehmi is an interesting take on shortcomings in human nature that leave us jealous, insecure or worse -skeptical. Each episode follows a formulaic pattern and the show begins with one of the partners being suspicious about something completely harmless that their better half said or did. 'Galtfehmi', soon comes into play and starts concocting all sorts of unreasonable conclusions.

The format is humourous, writing is on point but nothing that is unheard of. Performances are just good enough. Although It is comforting to hear absurd spiral of thoughts out loud, that every human brain tends to drift into, if, given the liberty, a need for refinement to the overall sketches is apparent.

Puts wit in witty.
This show is a perfect example of what thoughtful writing and equally committed dialogue delivery can achieve. The show poses such ingenuity, I almost felt like getting up on my feet and whistling at certain segments. All the episodes have a very typical format, Nikhil (Mohak Meet) is distressed about something that went wrong in his relationship, so he confides in Ruchi (Ahsaas Channa) and Mitali (Kritika Avasthi), his close friends who also happen to be two knowledgeable relationships "aficionados." They guide him in his endeavor to woo and impress her lady love especially with regard to, ahem, love-making.

All their advice is put in genius metaphors like 'self-study' for 'masturbation' and equally impressive analogies like comparing favorite items on a restaurant menu to preferred sexual positions.

Performances are spot on, with excellent comedy timing. Star of the show is undoubtedly the writing. At no point, the show feels feminist or sexist and manages to voice struggles of all genders in a relationship.

For a good laugh and a stellar experience, Girlsplaining is a must-watch.

Refreshing Teenage drama
It's been a while, since purely desi, unapologetically middle-class characters took to lead in a surprisingly entertaining and convincing teenage drama grappling with relationships, education, and budget.

'Nalayak' is is a tale of two dead beats, Sandy (Rajat Verma) and Laddu (Pawan Yadav) with futures as colorful as a monsoon sky. While they might not be book smart or street smart, their ambitions, however, surpass their bleak realities. Sandy falls for a girl way out of his league. In order to woo her, Laddu aids him and they devise a plan (inspired by Bollywood) of leaking math's board exam. With no resources or a plan at hand, harsh repercussions soon set in. All episodes manage to strike an interesting balance between emotions, drama, and comedy. Writing is fresh and performances well done.

The second season has unexplained progressions, but the ethos of the show remains consistent. While watching underachievers navigate through life may not be the most enticing thing, 'Nalayaks' wacky approach does have a charm to it.
