What makes Inception so special is that it's not your typical straight forward summer blockbuster. Nolan gives you bits and pieces of information, and as the movie plays out the viewer begins to put the pieces together and the picture gradually becomes clearer. Chris Nolan doesn't dumb down the movie for the audience like most Hollywood movies do these days, he expects us to keep up with him. And when we do, the reward is extremely gratifying. And the visuals were amazing.
Unlike The avengers, Batman uses real stunts and real emotion rather than digital effects and flashy lights and green screens. The behind the scenes footage of the movie is mind-blowing, you can really tell they put a lot of hard work into this movie. It also helps that they wait 3-4 years between each movie to make sure they have a good story line.
The Dark Knight is everything an action movie should be: thrilling, suspenseful, epic and chock-full of action sequences that sometimes are as amusing as they are visually stimulating. But it's also an emotional journey that's so intricately weaved into the fabric of the movie it doesn't at all seem out of place (or disingenuous). Ledger's chilling (terrifying, nihilistic) portrayal of the Joker is certain to go down in cinematic history as one of the greatest villains of all time and even then it might still be slightly under-appreciated. Nolan has succeeded in creating a genre-defying (and defining) film on such a grandiose scale, and with so little room for error, that he must be praised for what he truly is: a directorial savant.
Batman Begins is brilliant. This is one of the superhero movies that comic book nerds, casual viewers, and critics will love. From beginning to end, the story is brilliant and doesn't seem to linger on at all. The acting is superb and everything is built up for its amazing sequel, "The Dark Knight."
Best movie I've ever watched.
The movie was just awesome. It revolved around a man named Chris Gardener who invested his life savings on a device known as "Bone Density Scanner". However he was not able to sell the device because of the new technology which comparatively cheaper. His wife leaves. He was homeless for several months. He went to a brokerage company named "Dean Witter" for an appointment for job and because of his intelligence he got selected and became a millionaire. I liked the last scene when the interviewers selected him and he cried because of happiness. Its a really awesome film.
VEry nice
This movie was awesome. It showed a nice story about friendship. I liked the "Tomatina" festival they celebrated in Spain. It showed about having good friends is awesome. THe songs are also good. this movie revolved around the three friends with the problems in their life. Overall a nice entertainment package. A must watch movie.
Sonaly Sahay reviewed Mama
Extraordinary story.
The movie had a great story. The two little girls were acting nicely. It was about Edith Brennan whose child got stuck on the branch of the tree while he was falling. Overall a nice movie with a good ending. A must watch film
It's a good horror movie with great horror timing. I liked the story of anabelle doll. The scariest scene I found in this movie was the ghost saying, " Wanna play hide and clap" to one of the demonologists. It's one of the best horror movie I've ever watched.
The movie is very nice and the story is about the assassination of a Don which is in Pakistan. Irrfan's acting was awesome. Other actors also did well. Rishi Kapoor acted like a boss. This movie shows the hard work of RAW agents to assassinate Rishi Kapoor(in the movie). Overall nice and watchable film