how can you save the world when the Avengers have broken up their teams. In the vague of saving the world together, Avengers has lost some prominent super heros and has left behind a hint now what? now how? After years of wait infinity war is out. A must watch to discover the battle of marvel super heros.
Absolutely loved it.
Samia Suhail reviewed Race 3
was'nt that good as expected. Not at all !!!!!! the story is complete pale boring if you have seen previous parts of race. Salman Khan as Sikander in the movie manages to bring little excitement to the audiences but overs all he too must have regretted signing the film.
Anil Kapoor plays the role of father for the 3 { daisy sha, saquib and salman} Salman beign the the eldest one and the rest two younger twins. Bobby Deol as their bodyguard. Over it seemed as if the makers were confused as to put which one on which team. #stupid #stylish #lessthanexpectation
Better was part 1 and part 2
Absolutely loved the whole movie. I must say the jurassic world part 1 was good and this one too has amazing work in it too. Complete satisfying to you Dinosaur vibes with a tint of fear and curiosity of story. I would recommend this to you for the upcoming weekends.
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Samia Suhail wants to see Lust Stories
loved this series to bits. Sumit has again done an amazing job in his character. The story mainly revolves around two couples who are engaged with each other in long distance relationship and then come to stay together. The series revolves around their journey and comedic circle as living together.
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