Joshita Chopra reviewed It
Of Kids, But NOT For Kids
Welcome to the creepy town of Derry, where the children are carved with knives by bullies I hope don't really exist in real life, people keep going missing and are written off as dead without much of an investigation, the parents like keeping their children locked up or look at them as preys, and where the clown Pennywise returns after every 27 years and feeds on children.
The little brother of Bill, George, gets lured into the sewers by Pennywise in the beginning of the movie, and Bill is found clinging onto the hope of George still being alive, but neglected by parents. Soon after that, during the summer break, Bill and his group find themselves in the trail of the missing children and Pennywise, who feeds on these children, not realizing what they're getting themselves into. However, Ben, who the gang saves from Hower and the bullies, has conveniently done a lot of research upon the topic: of children been disappearing for centuries in Derry. Beverly and Mike also join hands with the group and start off on a mission to shoo Pennywise away from their town.
Now , I apologetically haven't read the book by Stephen King the movie is based on, so I'm going to take the liberty to talk about the plot of the film independently. Some things are either way too convenient- like new little Ben taking just a few visits to the library to figure out what's wrong with this town, or way too bizarre- like the kids actually committing murders. The town does not seem to have normal people looking after the children or a stable government or police looking after their citizens. The kids fail fighting their inner demons while on the hunt for Pennywise- which certainly looks like the clown has a spell on the entire town, because there's not other explanation for people acting that disturbing. Also, the plot is a little hard to follow, taking time to understand what actually is happening, but the story is already moving on by then.
However, this isn't like the other horrors, and hence certainly worth a watch. All of the ever increasing gang of kids have acted pretty well, especially Beverly. And the movie does not deal with the usually supernatural stuff. It deals with the curse of a shape shifting creature, violent bullies, abusive parents and inner darkness. Although, I must say, all the good things about the movie seem like the work of Stephen King and not actually a movie made well.
Get ready to chant things like "We all float here", which don't make much sense until you give it a hard thought.
Warning: I'm not a big fan of the Conjuring universe. No, that does not mean I can't watch horror. I love good different horror movie, and this universe just does not give that.
Okay, though the whole shifting into new haunted house gimmick is now stereotypical, Conjuring is one of the movies that made it stereotypical, the original, so it gets a pass. However, all the other movies that follow are way too predictable, including this one.
This movie gives you the background story of the creepy Annabelle doll that appears in the movies - about how the already evil-looking doll came to be possessed. Years after the young daughter of the Mullins passes away in a car accident, they open their house and allow an orphanage of a few girls and a nun to shift in. And of course, a small anti-social handicapped girl wanted to go wandering around the house late at night into a usually locked door and out of bounds area... because all little girls do that, right?
And that's when the spirit inside Annabelle is set lose. The first half of the movie is literally just all this that I just mentioned, nothing happening, one just waiting for Annabelle to predictably unleash herself, and nothing else.
The second half is where the actual horror, in my opinion, starts, and you actually get to see the creepy doll exercise its powers. However, then too, you know when they're going to try to frighten you, and you find yourself prepared for what's about to ponce at you, reducing the scare.
Also, though I know most movies use this tactic, it's always very dark when the scaring is happening, because of which half the visual details are missed and you go by sound.
All in all, it's not a bad movie, and certainly a good movie to start off with horror for people who are not horror movie buffs like me. Or even a good movie for a sleepover. Yet, for those who watch a horror flick now and then, you'll be found forcing yourself to sit through this movie because you've gotten so far in the series anyway, but will have an absolute absence of excitement.
Unknown Masterpiece
Are you a bibliophile and are scared that you'll cringe at the #adaptation of your favorite YA Fiction series (The Mortal Instruments)?
Take it from a fellow bibliophile- this show is going to cross your expectations, and yes, it is BETTER than the movie.
Based on the Shadowhunters, who protect the earth from demons, Downworlders, consisting of the magical warlocks, ferocious werewolves, cunning faeries and mysterious vampires, and of course, the demons. A world hidden away from the real world, of which Clary is a major part of, but does not know it yet... until she bumps into Jace. By the way, let me just add: Clary is my all time favorite protagonist across all shows, and Malec (Magnus and Alec) are my OTP.
This show is for the lovers of Harry Potter, Hunger Games and Percy Jackson, and tops the charts in fantasy. You'll too be left wondering how writers can create an entire universe without any loopholes. It involves magic, action, romance, humour, and splendid acting. There isn't much I can give away about the Shadowhunter universe without giving you spoilers, but I will tell you this: watch at least the first episode, and you'll be bound to continue.
However, for the lovers of The Mortal Instruments series: There is a lot of change from what the books say mid season 1 onwards. Fear not, it is one of the rare pieces which do not spoil the books by changing details, but you might find yourself discontinuing owing to worrying you'll actually forget what the book says.
Lovers of the first 'Mamma Mia!' will certainly feel a sharp absence of Meryl Streep, who appears only in the last two songs. The story is half in flashback, showing Donna, Meryl Streep's character in the first, travelling around the world in her youth, trying to find her way in life- basically lots of pretty European locations. They show how she ends up on the island on which she later owns a hotel, and how she met the three fathers of her daughter in the first place. (Don't know what the three father story is? This movie is probably not for you, as you need to watch the first one before this.) The now part of the story is about Sophie re-opening the hotel on the island and throwing a huge party, with everything obviously not falling into place.
The three young dads do not do the older ones justice. And since the first half of the movie covers young Donna, who is actually pretty good, meeting the three men one by one, it's not all that exciting. And most parts with Sophie in it is about her missing her mother, who passed away a year ago, and wanting to make her proud. This might be sweet, but I think we got the message after the first five times itself.
The second half of the movie brings together the old cast, and a lovely new entrant: Cher playing Sophie's grandmother. Only the second half of the movie should've been the whole, or the part with the young Donna should've been a lot less dreamy.
The songs of this movie are also GREAT, with a return of 'Dancing Queen' and of course, 'Mamma Mia!', making you nostalgic and sing along.
The two childhood best friends of Donna, however, are the highlight of the movie. They were fun, emotional, quirky, exciting, and all at the right times. While the three dads were so too, the younger versions of them did not do justice and the older ones did not get much of screen time. However, all versions of the best friends were fabulous.
More than enjoying this movie while watching it, you realize you're busy missing the old one, which did have a much better story. But who expected it to be as good, anyway?