The movie was first of all different and can really change the perception of people about stray animals. The movie can really teach us a lot. So prefer watching it with your adorable pets
At times, A name is not all what you want
The show is really an epitome. The heterogeneity of emotions potrayed by the actors are great. They appear so flexible with their emotions. And the chemistry between Aditi and Zain is just killing. They look adorable together.
It is a story based on the sufferings of avni that life offers her as an illegitimate child of ashvin and Ayesha.on getting awared about the fact, her grandmother becomes her biggest rival and thows many challenges to her. The plot of the story appears very interesting and thought provoking. It also highlights the mind set of the society where an illegitimate child is treated as an untouchable.
The story gets more interesting when it takes a leap of 15 years. The chemistry between avni Ayesha and her love interest Neil a super cop makes the audiens to bite up their nails.if yup watch it up you will get a new definition of love, hatred,law,brother and many other relations. So you must watch the show to encounter a new world of emotions and fantasy.
The movie was eye opening for the ones who waste their lives under the impressions of drugs. It is inspirational and motivating. It gives us a new way to live and enjoy life. The twist and turns kept the audience but some of the truths were untouched. Despite of it, the story was amazing, funny and emotional. From the cast to the special effects, from the dialogues to costumes everything seemed perfect.
The movie was engaging and it was heart breaking to watch Alia cry. She and iqpal did justice to their characters. But I found the end to be unjustified. I wanted the both to get united but some love stories are meant to be broken.
The movie just relies over pihu, a 2 year old girl who gets locked up in her own house with the corpse of her loving mother. But the story gets out of track after the intermission due to dragging the same story line.
Satyamav jayate brings a us a step closer to reality
A show which has really helped people in stepping out from who they were and to become who they are. It's #thoughtProvoking. It makes is to question our own self and get closer to the reality. Besides this Amir Khan has appeared as an awesome host, the set up and theme song also attracts the audience. It Really exhibits the power to #inspire people around. So if one wants to get in touch with the reality,this show is a perfect match for them. I know it's not on air now but technology in India has really Advanced. Think out of the box and go out of the way watch satyamav jayate which is purely built for you
Motivation helps in achieving success.
It's an #inspiring and hoghly motivating story. The people who belong to a differential background but still show the courage to dream big #mustWatch the movie. It is #thoughtProvoking which will get you to the reality. Priyanka Chopra has done real justice to the character. It is a flim which will force you to set your bars even higher and will also help you to achieve them
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Friendship is all what matters
Okay, so I am doing this because I really like Pikachu's character. It's so adorable and #sweet . It is #fun watching the friendship between ash and pikachu. The storyline shows us that friendship is the biggest desire someone can aspire for and the only solution to every problem in your life. So if you are going through a tough time then go grab your phone and call your best friend and spill all the beans and keep watching pokemon. Don't worry this advice is tried and tested.
Encounter a life full of challenges with Mr. Bean
It has been a very #hilarious and #feelGood journey with Mr. Bean! A character which appears some sort of an alien ? who giggles around the world making people laugh at him with their teeth glittering out of their mouths. Mr. Bean is a character widely popular for it's wired actions with a touch of reality. It is really a mixture of fantasy and realism. And I really recommend it to someone who wants to drive out their teeth and learn a lesson life wants them to.