Service before self
Clint Eastwood's biopic of Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle, starring Bradley Cooper as Kyle and Sienna Miller as his wife, is as clear-eyed and alert as its subject

In American Sniper, the 34th film to be directed by Clint Eastwood, Chris Kyle (Bradley Cooper) rarely has a clear view of the field of battle. As perhaps the #most-accomplished marksman in US military history, he
One of the BEST
Friends...A show you could watch many times without getting bored.Split into 10 seasons, this by far, is the #best English series of our times. The characters have lived after their virtual deaths and the episodes have become immortal. I bet my life on the fact that there is no one who can stop watching this in the middle. Its a fact that some of the best depictions on the screen are the ones closest to reality. There are no CAN-DO-NOTHING-WRONG heroes, FELL-FROM-HEAVEN heroines, IMPOSSIBLE circumstances or MAN-AGAINST-ALIENS/ROBOTS/DISEASES. F.R.I.E.N.D.S is a masterpiece because of the fact that everyone of us can relate to the people and the incidents on the screen. They are careless, casual, non-chalant and funny.This series makes complete justice to the words "The best comedy arises from the deepest sorrows".

No convoluted story, No twist , No #nonsense. F.R.I.E.N.D.S is a celebration of life, the exuberance of youth and the glory of friendship

This series will teach you about brotherhood, friendship (of course), love, relationships, screwing up, having babies (literally!), standing for each other, the best funny jokes you'd ever come across, the most emotional moments you will ever witness - this show has everything - from sugar and spice to everything nice - from something old something new, something borrowed, something blue - to "RUGBY v/s FOOTBALL" to long distance relationship and even long-distance marriages! This show is not just a TV-show, but a LIFETIME EXPERIENCE for the viewers and a standard that the six of them have set for the future generations that nobody has been able to beat (not even one show has come closer to matching the standard of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.)!

And hey, have you ever married someone without telling them? No? GO WATCH IT!
SOURAV PRASAD reviewed House
House MD is a must watch show if you are a fan of #sarcasm. Character of Dr. Gregory House is the master of sarcasm, even in emotional situations. Some of the dialogues in the show are very well written and tells you the truth even when you don't want to hear them.Dr. Gregory House is a genius. He is a brilliant diagnostician. He can see subtle patterns and connections that everyone else misses. He is also an asshole.

House suffers from constant pain. Years ago he experienced an infarction in his right thigh. The infarction caused nerve damage and muscle death. As a result of this injury he has become addicted to vicodin. The combination of chronic pain and having a brain that thinks faster than everyone around him has made him self-destructive and angry. He's tolerated because he saves lives.

House uses a team of doctors as both a sounding board and as a distraction from his pain. It appears that by letting his conscious mind focus on analyzing his team and targeting their hypocrisies his subconscious mind can search for the connections between the points of data they've gained from the patient, and make the leaps to a diagnosis.

Superficially, the show is formulaic. Each episode begins with a patient experiencing some form of debilitation and being brought in to Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, after every other doctor has failed to determine the problem. House and his team come up with a theory and start the tests. As the episode proceeds they learn something about the patient, as a person, and debate it. The patient usually continues to decline. Eventually House, while engaged in a completely unrelated discussion will get that distant stare and realize what the problem is. They treat the patient, and the patient usually recovers. Some have pejoratively referred to it as a "disease of the week" show. But none of that is what the series is really about.

House M.D. is about what we really mean when we say or do something. It is about our own hypocrisy, our motivations, and our character. The patients that come into the hospital force the doctors to examine their own choices and views. And if they try to avoid that self-examination, Gregory House is there to call them on it.

The show is clearly inspired by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes story. House is a synonym for homes and homes is a homonym for Holmes. House has one close friend, Dr. James Wilson. So, House and Wilson is a substitute for Holmes and Watson. House's apartment number is 221B, just like Holmes. Wilson has been married three times, just like Watson. In the first episode there is a female patient named Adler. In a later episode House is attacked by a man named Moriarty. The inspiration is a fitting circle, as Doyle's inspiration for Holmes was a real-life doctor named Joseph Bell. And like Holmes, House has a drug problem.

Shows that last eight seasons don't last that long because of their concept.They last that long because of the body of characters and the interrelationships between them. House M.D. provided a series of fascinating characters that interrelated in fascinating ways.
In one word I would label this series