worth a watch. and the story is amazing.
Story revolves around the friendship which takes place at the most unluckiest and the unlikiest time ever see.
great direction. Great screenplay and acting.
you might not find quotes and dialogues that much intresting.
PS: The story as goes on make you feel emotional.
The poster looks hideous. The script not been upto the mark since 90's when it comes to govinda so far.
All the magic that govinda used to have on the screen has faded away with time surely.
there was times when he used to make us laugh nit too long ago, but now maybe the time factor has left scars upon him and his acting.
the content he's getting to perform, better not to speak of it these days.
get yourself safe, and save money for something that be coming your way rather than this one.
PS: skip this one all the way.
Worth watching surely to go on personal favorite list when comes to genre "drama".
"The pursuit of happyness "
well the movie shows the ongoing struggle of a single dad. Great screenplay by will and son (the only father son duo movie I've appericiated so far.) The movie might make you feel bit of dizzy in between but doesn't make you run away from the place.