Juliet reviewed Inside Out
Inside out
Inside out is truly one of the best films Pixar has ever released. The concept of inside out is genius and the execution is phenomenal, its such a touching, emotional and powerful film about emotions and the animation is astonishing. I loved all the characters and the voice cast is terrific. I laugh, I cry and I smile every time I watch this amazing masterpiece.
The Bourne identity
The Bourne identity is one of my all time favourite action thrillers its still as compelling and gripping today as it was the day it came out and its honestly a film I love more and more each time I watch it. Matt Damon is absolutely phenomenal and the action sequences are incredible. There is something so slick and stylish about the way the film is shot that I love so much and it really doesn't look or feel dated at all to me. I just adore this entire film so much.
Black Panther
A part of me does feel like Black Panther is overrated simply because of how hyped it was the year it came out but that doesn't mean I don't absolutely love this film. Ryan Coogler directed the hell out of this film bringing us extremely cool and well shot action sequences and an overall sense of style that we don't see in many superhero films in my opinion. There is some obviously bad CGI stuff throughout this film but for the most part this is a gorgeous film to look at and the world of Wakanda is absolutely stunning. I loved every single character in this movie and Killmonger is one of the best villains of the past decade. The cast is full of talented actors with Michael B Jordan being the stand out his performance is simply phenomenal, Chadwick Boseman was born to play T'Challa and there is something so genuine and powerful about his performance. Andy Serkis is both hilarious and intimidating here and he is a very underrated actor in my opinion. Black Panther is an epic film that is equally entertaining and emotional, it has so much heart and passion put into it its impossible not to admire it. I love this film and May Chadwick Boseman rest in peace.
Juliet reviewed Red Eye
Red Eye
Red eye is a very solid and underrated thriller. It has enough tension to keep you invested and the performances are fantastic, Cillian Murphy does a fantastic job and comes across as a very believable psycho. I wish the film was longer but I really enjoy it.
Ferris Bueller
My favourite John Hughes film and maybe my favourite teen film of all time. it is simply impossible not me charmed by this film and by a young Matthew Broderick, The film is hilarious and so full of charisma but its also a touching film about friendship with some truly tear jerking scenes. The entire cast is perfection and have truly great chemistry with each other especially our three main characters who are probably one of the best trios in film history. This is just a masterpiece.
Juliet reviewed Robin Hood
Robin Hood
This film was a pretty big part of my childhood I remember watching it with my grandparents several times when they would come and visit so I have so many wonderful memories attached to this film, Watching it again now as an adult there are definitely some issues especially with the plot but I still love these characters and there's something really charming about the hand drawn animation. I will always a soft spot for this film.
Silver Linings playbook
I absolutely love this movie it captured my heart from the very first time I saw it in theatres and I've only grown to love it more throughout the years. Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence are phenomenal here and their chemistry is incredible, the supporting cast are great too especially Robert de Niro. These characters have issues and are dealing with so many things and watching them come together and finding hope in each other is extremely inspiring. Its hard not to fall in love with these characters and all you want throughout the film is for them to be happy and end up together, The film is emotional and pretty deep at times but its also hilarious and entertaining without feeling like two different films. I just adore this entire movie and its a must watch.
Its impossible to get through this masterpiece of a film without crying. Steven Spielberg crafted one of the most touching and powerful pieces of cinema I have ever seen and the amount of heart that clearly want into this movie is admirable to watch. The cast is phenomenal with Liam Neeson being the stand out, his performance is so gripping and believable its almost painful to watch him at times. The score is absolutely breathtaking and one of the most underrated of all time. An inspiring masterpiece everyone needs to watch once in their life.
One of the greats
In my opinion Raiders of the lost ark is a revolutionary film and one of the best from phenomenal director Steven Spielberg who managed to create a timeless adventure film that hold up incredibly well to this day. Harrison Ford was born to play this role and his performance his flawless, Karen Allen is my favourite Indie girl and she is so charming and likeable here. The visuals affects still look great and the action sequences are entertaining and brilliantly shot. The score is absolutely iconic and I always want to go see the movie when I hear it. A true masterpiece.
Juliet reviewed Coco
The majority of Pixar films are amazing and Coco is no exception. It has such a heartfelt and emotional story with likeable and charming characters and beautiful songs. I adore the voice cast and Anthony Gonzales is especially great as Miguel. The animation is some of the best I have ever seen and the entire movie is a visual feast. My only real issue with the film is the first act that I feel takes a bit to long to get going.