A twisted tale of love in the heart of Hollywood
Hollywood of all it's glitz and glamour, holds something dark and sinister within it as well.
The movie is directed by David Lynch and gives off a heart pounding, edge of the seat vibe throughout the movie.

The movie revolves around an actress trying to make it big in Hollywood, but like every other industry succumbs to its glamour and fails to notice it's self absorbing side. The film has lots of different interpretation to it, something which is common to all David Lynch movies. It has all the elements that makes the movie a twisted dark fantasy.
The background music is particularly important as without it the special scenes are useless.

Naomi Watts plays a dual character in this movie, one of a distraught Hollywood actress and one of a woman who comes to Hollywood for the first time, looking for her big break. You'd be taken into a ride inside a very very twisted mind of someone whose thinking is fogged by lust and revenge. The entire movie at first glance will not make any sense to you, and that is perfectly fine, it's supposed to be that way. All the different characters and their respective story lines would make you feel as though there is no connection between any of them, but look deeper and you will find the connection.
Laura Harring plays a very vital role in the movie as well, as without her presence and actions Naomi Watts's character is nothing. It can be said in a way that Laura Harring's character gives birth to the twisted progression of events we see in Mulholland Drive.

To say that Mulholland Drive has an ending is and will be totally false, because there is no ending. It's all up to the viewer to separate two distinct plot lines and understand which one is the reality and which one is the illusion.

Mulholland Drive is not a movie that makes perfect sense, but if you have an open mind and a will to connect the dots and make theories about the impossible, this is one movie you should not miss. It should however be noted that the nudity factor is extreme in the movie, and you might want to check up on that before getting into it.

Like they say, 'Everything is an Illusion' in this world.

Isha Chakraborty wants to see Lion
A real peek into our future.
The story revolves around a woman who holds the key to humanity's survival, when human kind faces extinction.
Even though the film is suited to the sci-fi genre, most of the time it felt like an intense war story. Stuck between guns and bombs, the story's picturization looks extremely realistic.
The gore factor is average, and there is a lot of violence involved, which only makes the movie a lot more edgier. You'll be drawn into the emotions of the characters, the experience will be an eye opening one. The movie is going to grip and bite into your very soul so hard, it'd be hard to let go in the years to come. Once you get over the violence the ending will give you hope, and lift your spirits.
Alfonso Cuaron created a masterpiece and you would not want to let this go. I assure you you'd be glued to your screens until the end.
A magical tale of love and loss
The story revolves around a couple, who is unable to have a child and is miraculously gifted with one right in their garden.
The film is a definite rear jerker. It deals with topics such as loss and separation. Although the film is supposed to be meant for younger audiences and kids, it is sure touch the hearts of older audiences and parents.
Although the film means good, at times it feels all too overwhelming with it's overly sentimental story line.
However, this is one movie you can watch with your whole family on a weekend. Kids are particularly more sure to like this movie. I would recommend this as a one time must watch for all ages.
A somewhat gripping story, with bad casting
The Number 23, is a story of a man obsessed with the number 23 and his chilling past connection to it.
The film is very complicated in it's entirety and while there are many logical explanations behind the working of the movie and the way the characters work, the decisions they take. The movie kind of throws it's own logic with little space to think. Some parts of the film do seem logical and nail biting, but it adds up to nothing towards the end. The highly sexual scene too didn't fit in the story line.
Jim Carry is highly misplaced as he protagonist in this film, and does not do justice to him or the story. I would've preferred someone else over him for such a strong role.
The movie could've been more interesting, but it failed to deliver. I would suggest this just for the ridiculous logic of it. But not otherwise.
A Victorian Horror enough to fuel nightmares
The story revolves around a lawyer who is sent to investigate a house belonging to a deceased woman.
It's a bliss seeing Daniel Radcliffe fight off things that not evil happiness sucking monsters. The story progression is steady with a few jump scares here and there. It does pack a good punch, and you might want to check your doors before you sleep at night. Set in the Victorian era, the films backdrop only makes it even more creepier to watch.
I did wish James Watkins shone some more light on the past events of the Eel marsh. But it didn't effect the movie much.
I'd suggest you watch this, but not with the lights off ;)
A Gore Fest
The film shows 26 different ways to meet death, using 26 alphabets.
Conceptually the film is a gem, it's intriguing to see so many different directors come together and create short masterpieces that are independent stories on their own. It's definitely new in the splatter genre, but is nothing more than average.
The film is a dark comedy, and if you can bear to stick to it for more than 10 mins. You'd know exactly what you signed in for. The film deals with extreme gore and topics that are usually NSFW. What I can say is the stories don't quite have a happy end. It's a very unpleasant movie to say the least. But the ridiculous plot lines, makes the gore slightly digestible.
In conclusion, if you have an appetite meant for splatter, or seeing intestines being ripped off live. You should not miss it. I don't think anyone in their sane state of mind would actually watch it. Nevertheless if you do, don't include your family and partner. Watch it alone, that is if you ever do.