Rohon Nag reviewed Sully
Sharp, On Point and Amazing
This is a movie based on the real life incident in 2009 of a plane with both engines down, which had to land in the Hudson river (New York).

This movie is meticulously made. The details are there and the simple story is told in flashbacks and very refreshing editing style.
The director is The clint Eastwood and he directs with the energy of a 20something man. That in itself is amazing.
Tom Hanks is cast pretty well as Sully, the title character who is the pilot of the ill fated plane.
After this incident he became world famous despite him not asking for that fame.

Imagine a normal pilot, flying for 42 years without any big incident and suddenly one day he is the worlds most talked about person, this is the main theme of the film. The story and screenplay goes into great lengths to showcase this.
Also portrayed is the NTSB’s investigation of his actions, which seem to imply that he might have been able to land the plane and NOT risk all 155 souls onboard.

Being a clint eastwood movie, the score, the editing, the cinematography is all perfect. There is not enough technical jargon to confuse the everyday audience and there is enough details to keep an aviation enthusiast interested.

If you want to know further details of this miraculous real life incident, the documentary ‘Miracle on the Hudson’ and the Air-Crash Investigation episode Season 10 Episode 5 called flight 1549. (Easily available on youtube.)

Rating : 8.5/10.
Thought Provoking and Sensitive...
This review is a bit long, breaking it down into segments.

Baar Baar Dekho is a movie about a young mathematician, who suffers a crisis before marriage and then somehow starts alternating between the future and past of his life.

This movie is meant to be thought provoking and engaging.
If Groundhog Day, it’s a wonderful life and Click were combined, this is the resulting film.
But don’t get me wrong, the film makers have not really copied anything, they have taken inspiration from a lot of different sources and made something original. This is the kind of inspiration that should be encouraged. It’s not a direct copy of any one film. Calling it a remake of Click is just plain wrong.

A lot of thought and effort was put into the screenplay and it shows…

Story & Plot

Now we come to most important part of the film. Its plot and story. To say that the story is unique for a Bollywood film is a total understatement. Sure it’s been done a few times in Hollywood, but no one has tried this concept here, in India.
And that is sadly why, this film is mostly not going to be a huge hit. Despite people always grumbling about the same old ghisa pita love story like ‘Break Ke baad’, ‘Ki and Ka’, this film presents something VERY different, yet the audience isn’t going to get it.
Like Roy Last year, this is a movie which I REALLY liked, but it might lose the audience because it’s very different from the normal shaadi behaa wale films.
This film is poignant, though provoking and shows the value of life and how it’s the smallest of things that matter. Though this message is delivered a bit ham fistedly, it doesn’t take away from the message.

Direction & Cinematography

Let’s talk about the direction. This film is directed well and rather spot on. There are no missed opportunities or illogical scenes. Everything is well crafted to make sense and make the audience think. Its far better directed than most films from Bollywood in the romance genre.

The cinematography is REALLY uneven, the first part of the film, which is a shaadi is shot very mediocre and the lighting is atrocious. But the later parts of the film, the ones set in Cambridge of the future is shot amazingly well. It feels like two very different teams worked on it, which is entirely possible. The look of the film get better as it goes along, I hope this was intentional, but its most probably a happy accident. Whatever the case might be, by the end the movie is looking amazing by cinematography standards.


Now we come to performances. This is where things are slightly lacking.
I wish, I REALLY wish that Katrina was stunning not only in her looks, but also her acting. She is the weakest link in this film. That’s not to say her performance was bad, but it just lacked the depth of a more refined actress.
I can see the director trying very hard to get the performance he wanted from the actress, he almost succeeds, but not quite. The breakup scene, featured prominently in the promos, shows just how limited her range is and how she is just not capable of showing the pain her character is going though.
Siddharth Malhotra shines in this film, he is the lead and the only link for the audience between all the random time jumping the character goes though. He nails his performance, it won’t win him any awards, but he carries off the film without a hitch.
The rest of the cast is adequate, they don’t ham it up and remain in character, except for Rohan Joshi. That guy cannot act AT ALL!
He might a halfway decent standup comedian, but his casting as the lead’s friend was the worst casting in this otherwise good film. This guy is SO bad; it looks like the editor or director either cut out his role or edited it away. This guy acts worse than someone who can be picked off the streets. Sorry bro, stick to making people laugh!


This movie is very different from usual romantic films. I really liked this film, but the audience in my theater seemed bored and started to talk among themselves during the latter half. The film is also a bit slow, its mostly just drama and life lessons, there is not much to provide masala for the aam junta. So they might not like it.
But if you DO decide to see this film, go in with zero expectations of melodrama, 10-15 songs and lots of ham acting. This film is funny, subtle and very introspective.

Rating: 8/10. A Must watch for fans of Click, Time traveler’s wife, About Time, Groundhog Day and such genre of films.

P.S : Everyone in the hall was just waiting for the kala chasma song to play. It plays over the end credits and no one left till the song was over. I felt that the song was good, but it didn’t fit the tone of the film AT ALL, the film is more Zindagi Na milegi Doobara than Punjabi wedding. So anyone going it by that song alone, will be very disappointed!
90's Cliches were invented in this movie!
Ghayal : the Review
This is the First movie by Rajkumar Santhoshi. He made 3 awesome films with Sunny Deol, all of which are favorites of mine.
Ghayal was way ahead of its times and yet strangely by the end of the movie it was also quite similar to Tridev and other such 80's crazy action movies.
This movie launched Sunny's Common Angry man cinemas which he is carrying on till date.
The villain is very strong and the dialog Balwant
Isha Chakraborty
I don't believe someone finally reviewed Ghayal! Kudos, mate!
Kick ASS Acting, Weak ASS Story
Akira movie review:
Akira is the story of this self-reliant, silent yet strong girl who gets caught up in a bad situation through no fault of her own.

This movie is all about performances. Sonakshi Sinha has done a phenomenal job. She has done this role justice. In fact, it’s safe to say this film is meant for her. No one else could do this role.
That is very high praise for an actress hasn’t been known (in the past) for her acting ability. This role is hers just like Kareena had ‘Chameli’ A role she was meant to play.
She makes us emphasize and understand her character rather well. The most watchable part of this film is her acting and role.
Anurag Kashyap plays the villain in this piece and he also is quite realistic. The joke about him always rolling a joint is very on the point for all those who know the person, he truly does always have a joint on hand. His acting is realistic, he isn’t shown as this over the top villain, he is rather matter of fact and corrupt, killer cop. But NOT making him over the top, works for the film. We can imagine such cops must exist in real life too. His dialogs are some of the best in the film. Maybe he wrote them himself, but they are witty, evil and pun at the same time.
The movie is watchable for these two characters alone.
The other side roles are well done too. Acting wise everyone performs. Even Konkona’s small role and her moral ambiguity is covered rather well.
Special mention to the child actor who plays the kid version of Akira. Not only is her casting spot on, as she DOES look like a child version of sonakshi, she acts rather well too. She is rather good in her role and she could have used some more screen time.

Now we come to the plot and story of the film. This is where the film falters a bit. The plot and story do make sense, but they also go from realistic to coincidental to unbelievable. Characters are often introduced, but their plot line goes nowhere. They get no resolution or screen time. Many side characters populate the film, promising some kind of resolution, but then they disappear from the screen.
Akira goes to college and has some trouble with a few college students who behave like goons. They don’t serve a purpose in the finale or anywhere else, other than to display her fighting skills. That’s bad screen writing.
Akira’s Bhabhi is also shown to be a prim and proper lady who is secretly quite bitchy. Her storyline also goes no-where, she is made a background character.
Such gaffs in the script make the film uneven.
This could have been a very tight thriller and at times it does work, but it loses pace often and the ending is very anticlimactic, it promises some kind of showdown and ends with a self-sacrificing whimper.
At the end, people will be left asking, what was the point of the film then? No one learns from Akira’s strength or no one is affected by it. She herself is strong, she remains strong, but that is established in the start of the film itself.
Overall: The film has no silly song and dance, it portrayal of Sonakshi and her character is rather well done. The actress herself has done a phenomenal job and the movie is not bad. Its flawed but watchable.
Rating: 6.5/10. Better scripting and a more coherent character arch would have benefited this film. Watch this film to one of the better portrayals of a strong female lead. This film has no hero. Sonakshi herself is the hero. She didn’t a co-star to make her role stronger.
Well first of, this is a Proper Superhero Film. In the sense, it doesn’t just have a superhero costume and some punches and fights thrown about, they tried to make an over the top superhero flick.
And sadly, failed miserable. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to see Bollywood try different genres but giving these films to incompetent clueless film makers is such a waste of time and resources.

Flying Jatt deals with the WORLDS first ever Religious superhero. With powers come villains and our superhero must defeat the villain. There isn’t much to the story than that.

We can’t talk about Superheroes in India without a passing mention of Ra-One or Krrish.
To be fair Ra-one was more sci-fi Terminator than Superhero. Krrish may have been inspired by Hollywood superheroes, but it had a tight script and awesome action sequences (with Bad FX) at least its heart was in the right place!
But this movie…
Let’s start with the stupidity of His super power of touching a PICTURE of a person and then adapting that person’s abilities. HOW? WHAT? WHY?
Even if his powers are magical in nature, that’s STILL stupid!
His crime fighting includes stupidity such as blowing dust on criminals, as if somehow that would stop them, rescuing a rape victim and then leaving her at the stop of the crime (to be fair superman screwed up the same way in BvS)
This movie takes inspiration from EVER single superhero film EVER made. Not just that, it blatantly rips off so many Hollywood movies.
The film makers obviously think Indian audiences is illiterate and backward, because who in INDIA would have seen HOLLYWOOD ke English films? It’s not conceivable right?
Except a few minutes back in the film, the hero’s mother is shown seeing Avengers and Fantastic Four.
Then why COPY X-men Days of future past’s Quicksilver scene horribly? That scene is Epic and so memorable that they had to include a part 2 in the new X-men film.
The movie is OVER long and the ending is SO stupid, so moronic and WHAT THE HECK, you won’t even believe it If I say the ending.
The ending takes place on the MOON! Our superhero flies the villain over to the moon and since moon is pollution free, manages to defeat him, while throwing him into the international space station AND a Russian (or what it Chinese) Rocket! (how are they breathing in space? who cares!)
Huh? It ends with him looking at Entire earth, Superman Style.
This is the movie when you mix wolverine, superman, quicksilver and captain planet all into one and make the worst sort of mish mash!

This movie takes its audiences to be buffoons with ZERO sincerity in its making or depiction of a super Hero.
For that reason, this film gets a ZERO out of 10.

Rating : 0/10. Cant recommend this film to anyone. Ra.one had its moments, Krrish had its heart in the right place. This one is just a mess. Stay Away !

P.S :Credit where credit is due, the VFX for this superhero flick was not bad, especially the ending moon and space sequence was laughably stupid, but the VFX itself was NOT the issue.
Rohon Nag
the movie is terrible! I enjoyed himmatwala more as it was so stupid that it was funny.
this is one of the worst made films in recent history. But kids might like it...
thanks, avoiding it
A must watch for people who like investigative thrillers.
Investigative films are one of my favorite genres and these movies a few and far in between. All the kings men, Frost/Nixon, JFK are some of the notable ones… Now We can also add Spotlight in that list.
This movie chronicles the story of how the Spotlight team at the Boston Globe discovered a massive cover-up in the church and exposed it…
Despite how sensational this movie could have been made, they decided to keep it realistic and VERY un-dramatic and fact based. That is what makes this movie brilliant.
Direction: Masterfully directed, it’s a bit slow at times, but packs all the narrative punches that is required.
Cinematography: A bit lacking and it makes the film bit dreary and mundane. They needed the cinematic punch packed in ‘Mr. Robot’ for this kind of a film, but it’s not bad... Just plain.
Acting: Amazing performances by all the lead cast and the cast is truly star studded. Micheal Keaton does another amazing job at his role, understated and grave he is said to be so accurate in his re-enactment of this character that the real person it was based on, said it was eerie seeing a mirror image of himself… Apparently the REAL reporters spent a lot of time on the sets to make it authentic and it shows… You believe these are reporters and not movie stars acting the part out. Mark ruffullo is good as usual…
Music: Nothing overdone, get the work done. Nothing more is expected or needed.
Rating : 9/10
Isha Chakraborty
Definitely adding this!
The trailers had indicated that this would be a bad film, I went it with ZERO expectations, yet within minutes they managed to shatter those as well and somehow make a worse film.

This film has nothing going on for it.

The plot is nonexistent, the story is weak and the setting of 2016 BC is supposed to keep us entertained. Sadly it doesn’t work.

Hrithik Roshan the yesteryear’s superstar is re-doing his tired old clichés from Krrish, where is lonely and wants to go to the big city but his guardians won’t allow him.

This part seems ridiculously similar to 1977’s Star Wars. Sadly, the similarities end there.

The first few minutes of the film is in spoken in an ancient language long forgotten, then they show that they are translating it for us to hindi. But then they use a strange hindi language with weird words which is frustrating to understand and makes NO SENSE!

I can’t say anything good about this film, so here are some of the things I jotted down while seeing the film.
1. The reveal of mohejodaro is uninspired and basically piss poor. No sense of grandeur or amazement.
2. The heroine is introduced and WHAT THE HECK! there is a flower pot on HER HEAD! WHY!
3. What the FUCK are they saying? Weird sounding dialogs, makes NO SENSE!
4. First song, WTF am I seeing here? WHY! O WHY!
5. Ok, THIS Mohejodaro title track is a CRIME against humanity!
6. Suddenly the songs’ lyrics have modern hindi diction. They are not using those weird words!
7. Some extras come in, they are belly dancing and they have eyebrows which literally look like dead rats are struck on their foreheads!
8. The damn stupid headdress which looks like a flower pot has PLASTIC flowers! WHY!
9. Second song… just kill me now! Oh the torture!
10. Hrithik just literally existed stage left after the song, it was unintentionally hilarious!
11.Ok, now people are waking out of the movie!
12. Suddenly we have a gladiator ripoff. Bet they all chant his name at the end!
13. Everyone is chanting his name – TOLD YA!

There is maybe 1 or 2 good scenes, like the one where hrithik calms some horses down and the ending (spoilers) flood scene.

This film is so uninspiring, the cinematography is beyond pathetic. I have to see Bahubali once more just to wash this bad taste out of my mouth!
The direction is not worth mentioning and the editing is lax.

I am not saying that it didn’t take hundreds, if not thousands of people, a LONG time and a lot of hard work to make this film. But then why waste everyone’s time and the audience’s money.
There is nothing entertaining about this film.
I predicted the ending scene by scene and narrated the same to my friend. That’s the epitome of cliché!

Rating: 3.5/10. Pathetic.

P.S : To make this film good, they should have started in 2016 AD. With Hirthik as an archeologist, as he goes into the dig, he keeps remembering/interpreting the past and its story.
Imagine an scene where we see a wide shot of the excavation site and that transforms into a fully living and breathing city.
Mohejo daro 2016 BC… (that would have been something to see…)
Every place he goes in the dig, tells him the story of the past, though this, we discover what his ancestor (also played by Hrithik) had done to save the people of this great city.
In the end the entire city is wiped out in a flood (that's what happens in the movie). The ancestral hirthik stands up and sees the lake where his city was, transition to the present with the archaeologist is standing there with a tear in his eye. Poetic voice over can end the film and the audiences would have clapped. Instead of just leaving by the droves mid film...
Akshay Shines through in a crackling Thriller
This week saw a clash between two very different films of two very different schools of film making.
Rustom Vs mohenjo Daro.
Fortunately, it hasn’t been much of a competition, Rustom is running to PACKED houses, to the very last seat and Mohenjo Daro has less than 30% occupancy.

There is good reason for this.

Rustom is a film about a Navy Officer who shoots his wife’s lover and surrenders himself to the police. Will he be found guilty or set free?

The first thing you notice about this film is the setting of 1959 Bombay. They have gone to great lengths to re-create that era. Even though in some of the shots the people seem a bit animated or shot against a blue screen, the effort is appreciated and the time period is very firmly set.
Akshay Kumar as Rustom Pavri is really good, he plays the upright officer perfectly and never breaks character. Top marks to him for being stoic and non-melodramatic in every scene.
The casting in the film is also really good. Every small role is played with nuance. Especially the role of Rustom’s house maid, she steals the show in her brief appearance.
Miss D’cruz is adequate and is easy on the eyes as the repentant wife of the prime accused, Rustom.
Pavan Malhotra as the lead inspector also shines thorough as the person determined to see Rustom behind bars.
The only bad performance in this film is Esha Gupta who is SO cliched, it was unbelievable, she didn't seem like a real character at all!

The films REALLY shines in the edit and direction, even though the first half is slightly dragging and bland, the second half more than makes up for it.
The first half is all setup for the drama of the second half and in those aspects the movie works rather well.The entire courtroom drama in the second half makes the movie. One particular scene in which the investigator is getting the full story from witnesses is particularly well done and notable.

Dialogs, screenplay also get top marks, there is no over the top melodrama, everything happens in a logical and collected way, even the way the wife is shown to be seduced is rather believable and more on the realistic side. The community war that started between the Sindhis and the Parsis over this whole issue is also documented and given its due screen time, without it being over bearing.

The small things in this film are also some of the BEST part of this movie. The attention to detail given to how people used to dress, walk and talk back in the 1950’s is amazing. Delhi airport is shown as a small place, they didn’t just shoot at the modern airport and expect people to go with it. The collars of the people, even the extras are period accurate. Right down to the tube to odomos someone is using. These small things show the dedication of the team to present a era bygone with utmost accuracy.

As for the film itself. Overall this is a crackling thriller in which the ending is known to everyone, but it’s still riveting.

Rating : 8.5/10.
A must watch for Neeraj Pandey fans (A Wednesday , Special 26). Definitely one of Akshay Kumar’s best films. Courtroom drama lovers will not be disappointed with the film either.

P.S : I don’t know how much of the story presented is true, but it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t claim to be a real story, only BASED upon one.
Predictable and Slow.
Wazir DVD Review
This contains spoilers.
The premise of this movie is a police officer named Ali loses his daughter to a shootout and befriends that daughter’s old chess teacher and gets mixed up in an old case which has lots of unanswered questions.

First off, the story itself might have been good, but this movie is marred by characters doing illogical things and co-incidences and plot holes.
I mean to say, no father would go chasing terrorists with his daughter in the car. They needed the father to be grieving and blaming himself, but they could have written that scene better.

Then Mr Bachchan’s character Panditji magically knows when to find ali at his weakest and about to commit suicide. He then proceeds to pretend to accidentally drop his wallet, which he hopes he will notice and give back to him.

The plot got so predictable that just post the second phone call from Wazir, it’s obvious that there IS NO Wazir, it’s all a setup.

Then there are Plot holes such as, how does a person with no legs and no terrorist connection manage to get explosives to blow up the van.

How can he change his voice so much as to sound like neil nithin mukesh
When ali was shooting down, john Abraham’s character says, he has a few seconds. Then he proceeds to talk to the girl and embrace her and that takes at least few minutes. Yet no security forces come inside.

All these story and plot issues aside, the acting is decent all over. The heroine in this film has nothing much to do except pout and be upset. Farhan Akhtar does a fine job as a serious officer / grieving father.
The movie fails to live up to its name of Wazir and the mystery of who is this Wazir is not expanded upon. Everything felt rushed and yet the film was sort of slow.

The visuals were sharp and crisp, the score is decent. The Songs slowed the proceedings down, but not for a long time.

Over all this could have been a much better movie, but its sub-par execution left much to be desired.

Rating : 5.5/10. A onetime watch for Amitabh fans and Farhan’s fans.

P.S: That’s TWO movies now, where Amitabh plays the old man who setups up the police to find the real culprit. That’s a strange typecasting! Like how Leo Di Caprio played a grieving husband in Inception and shutter Island in the same year.
Flawed, Cliched, but Enjoyable.
This movie has SUPER low ratings on Rotten tomatoes and the reviews make this sound the WORST comic book movie EVER made!
This movie follows a bunch of super villains who are press ganged into working for US Government and work as its on the ground assets.
After Superman is gone, they don’t have a first responder team and they decide to use these expendable criminals for the job.

I have NO idea why this movie is facing such a huge critical backlash. Articles calling it the worst movie ever made etc etc is just over the top and meaningless.
It would be safe to say, the critics got it wrong this time.

The positives in the movie are Will Smith as Deadshot and Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn. They both absolutely shine in this movie.
Surprising, when it comes to performances, Jai Courtney as Captain boomerang was pretty good! This guy is usually REALLY bad in movies such as Terminator Genysis but somehow he was pretty good in this movie.
other actors do a decent enough job, but nothing worth a mention.
The score / music track is a mixed bag with a lot of 90’s hits being played at random times.

Now we come to negatives. It might seem like I am listing a LOT of them, but seeing the movie, somehow it not all that glaring.

1. Joker. This Joker s just PLAIN bad. Like a 0/10. Seen better performances in a C Grade film. This is hands down the worst joker EVER committed to film, this included the 1966 version. The first scene with him and Harley in a strip joint is just cringe worthy and it doesn’t look like the director actually made that scene, it seems like a bad add on. His Ha ha ha ha was SO bad, I wanted to shut my ears and shout at him to shut the HELL up. Which moron came up with this joker ?

2. The editing. What wrong with WB movies? Same as batman V superman, the editing in this ALL over the place. But thankfully unlike BvS, this movie isn’t complex and nuanced and hence the bad editing doesn’t hurt it so badly. For example, there is a night scene, then suddenly without any kind of transition, it’s a day scene. It jarring and surprising to see such a bad edit in a big studio movie.

3. The Villain. Hands down the WORST villain ever done in a big budget movie including the fart cloud in Green Lantern. The villain (Spoilers- Minor) is Enchantress and even tho is 100% smoking HOT, she can’t act at all. She is literally dancing in one major villainous scene. I don’t mean this figuratively, she is grooving like Micheal Jackson in BAD. WHO THE FUCK came up with that shit ?
What was his villainous plan ? GOD knows, it was stupid and badly done.

4. The direction. WB movies are all suffering from this. This is just badly directed or maybe just cut bad in the edit. The movie is good only coz the performances are VERY strong. But they didn’t get the feel of a city in danger or people dying, evacuation, nothing was done right. Wish it had more time to setup the city and what was at stake.

Despite all this, the movie is not bad or unwatchable. It’s a simple plot with not many twists and its easy to keep up despite the disjointed edits and bad direction.

Overall its worth a watch for comic book fans IF you are not expecting a master piece.

Rating : 5.5/10 . Definitely NOT as bad as the critics are saying, its watchable and at times fun!

P.S: This motherfucking CENSOR board needs to DIE. Those assholes won’t even let normal vocabulary pass through such as ASS or PUSSY. Why the fuck not? Its pissing me off that they think they need to save our entire country from foreign swear words…
"literally dancing" i think you are talking about the scene in later half when she is doing some spell thing and doing booty dance along with it. That was funny.
Rohon Nag
yes! I mean why is she jiving, grooving or whatever ? her movements needed to be speeded up and the frames skipped, then it would look like some kind of strange movement. it just ended up looking funny... and moronic!