Note to self: Please try to remember when you saw Madagascar 2 since you actually did laugh at it and find the humor in it quite good even if the plot kind of falls flat.
The plot has the group getting off Madagascar thanks to a plane rigged up by the penguins. Unfortunately they run out of fuel over Africa where they crash some where on the veldt near where Ben Stiller was born. From there the plot cranks out in unremarkable ways while providing some really good laughs thanks to well crafted jokes.
Honestly I can't say more than that because I've apparently erased the film from my memory. It was only thanks to seeing a poster that brought it back. Clearly its going on my list of most memorable films of all time.
Lots of fun - I saw it with my family and a theater full of families. a great time was had by all. On the whole, though, the presentation is quick-paced, bright, happy, and delightful to the eyes and ears. There are also some unique, quirky scenes (i.e. animals nonchalantly getting on a subway?) - I love to see stuff I haven't seen before. that's not easy to do, you know - by all accounts, "everything has been done on film already.." - (if you catch my drift). so, give credit when due! enjoy!(-:
Beginning part was a bit boring but when you almost get to near the end of the movies, I swear I actually started sobbing. No movie has ever made me sob besides this one. This is the movie guaranteed to make you cry, and I'm not the kind of person to cry during movies, but this one did! It's a must see movie,watch it by yourself, watch it with your family, watch it with your dog,watch it with your neighbor!!! You just need to see it!This is a must see movie! But first watch the first two movies before you watch Toy Story 3 because you'll pretty much be very very VERY disappointed if you don't know the plot of the first and second movies. And then you'll feel like you're finally up to date with everyone who's already watched them and when you tell them you haven't they look at you like you're crazy lol.
Toy Story 2 is one of those films where everything fits together nicely. The music, the humor, the animation, the voices, etc. are all great. Hollywood isn't very good at sequels, but Toy Story 2 is one of the few that measures up to, and slightly tops, the first one. The story isn't too much like the first, like some sequels are, and yet it still keeps the spirit of the first one. We see our favorite characters from the first one and we see some cool new characters as well. It is a good clean film, unlike many films these days that have too much swearing, violence, and/or sex. Toy Story 2 is suitable and enjoyable for kids, and adults will find it fun too. This is the perfect example that Pixar has never made a bad film. It's well-made and pure fun. What more could you ask for in a movie?
Wow I must say that this movie is my childhood. Get ready for a great adventure. Woody the top notch toy in Andy's room finds his world spinning out when Andy gets a new toy for his birthday, Buzz Lightyear a space toy. Suddenly all the other toys fall in love with him and Woody gets jealous. After a few mishaps Buzz and Woody find themselves at an evil boy's house named Sid who likes to torture toys. Now Woody and Buzz must work together to get back to Andy's house and find themselves becoming friends.
Overall this is an amazing movie. It was my childhood. Tom Hanks and Tim Allen are great choices for voices of Woody and Buzz. The other supporting roles are great too. This is a type of movie that kids and adults can be entertained by. I give props to Pixar for making this film because it is truly a great one. I give it a 5 out of 5!
Pratik Singh reviewed Frozen
I really enjoyed it.
The story is an adaptation of 'The Snow Queen' by Hans Christian Andersen, and in Disney tradition is it a rather loose adaptation (I would say more inspired by some elements in the story rather than being based upon the story itself). I have to say that is by biggest complaint, so little of the original tale is in this story.
My second biggest complaint is the storm near the end of the movie - Its over-long. A dying girl would not last that long, though I guess with her heart freezing she might last longer in the cold. That said, Its a great movie. I like the fact that the act of love that saves her is her own sacrifice to save her sister.
The soundtrack is FABOO!
I am a big fan of ice age but I'm sorry to say that this movie is a total disappointment for me, just like it second part. part 1 and 3 were so much better as they concentrated more on the fun activities rather than family matters. seeing the preview i had high hopes for the movie but it was not i thought it lacked a bit of punch lines compared to the previous parts and probably a bit too many new characters who hardly had much roles an ice age fan would like this movie and probably rate it higher than it deserve if we can erase the memory of previous part and rate it just as a movie...i don't think it will rate more than 3.
But go with the kid they will enjoy it...!!!
wow..came up with a new idea about Christmas. Flying deer,Santa on north is all like a dream story. it dragged me into my childhood. movie is just half an hour long. but all the characters are nice and cute. Specially "Peaches", she is cute,daring and spicy like her mother. In the Trailer of Ice Age 4,there is a new idea of "Continental Drift". The same is here. A short movie like this is very enjoyable. i recommend everyone to see this "short" movie, specially when you are in stress.
The end of the movie is just awesome. Overall its a nice movie. And "Welcome the Ice Age"
The Ice Age series is famed for it's physical comedy and heartwarming moments, coupled with incredible animation. Ice Age 3 is certainly no disappointment in this respect and shines through every second.
The plot kicks off with Allie and Manny expecting a child, Sid feeling left out and needing to fulfill his parental potential and Diego growing tired of the domestic life and longing for adventure. Explaining any further would ruin some truly brilliant gags and story lines - I'll just say this, the story is strong throughout and enjoyable to the very end. A new character voiced expertly by Simon Pegg was always enjoyable and perhaps one of the brightest highlights of the film, some lines still making me chuckle as I think about them.
I have very few negative points on this film, probably the only thing that detracted from my enjoyment were the possums (Crash and Eddie I believe) who seemed quite forced at times and some pop culture references seemed nearly unnecessary compared to all the in-situ comedy.
I'd recommend going to the 3D edition as it is a lot more engrossing in the more energetic sequences, all of which are incredible pieces of cinema, animated or not.
All in all, a good film for kids of all ages with some good hearty laughs for the adults, an involving storyline and truly amusing characters. Thoroughly enjoyed every minute.
The movie was really good and creative. It's as good as the first ice age. Funny, too! I couldn't help laughing. The movie was hilarious, but that's good anyway! The story was good, it had a fairy tale type ending, very unique and cool... The song in the middle bored me a bit. It was good afterwards though... The sound effects were okay. I liked the story which was nice. The visual and special effects were good. Kids and youngsters are gonna like the movie. It's worth watching once. The movie keeps you glued to the screen and makes you like it. There's a lot of adventure in the middle. The character of Diego, Sid, Manny, etc. were funny and great. The movie isn't boring at all, its worth watching. If you want a movie with a lot of funny dialogs and great a plot then, this movie is a must for you!!! You wont be disappointed while watching.